Sunday 31 August 2008

Rollercoaster of life

have you ever ridden a roller coaster, one theta turns you upside down and flips you all over the place ? It goes so fast and has so many twists and turns you wonder which way is up and which way is down, it leaves you shaking with excitement and trembling in fear all at the same time, well all kitten will say is ,, welcome to her world !

This last week has been hard for kitten for many reasons, some she will share and some she needs to keep to herself for her sanity, there are times in life when things are bleak, you look at where you are and see no way forward, things happen and it hurts, unfortunately couple that with a new project being undertaken and then things seem to mount up, the words you need to ground yourself are not there and then things grow in your mind and yes even in your heart, emotions become the order of the day and you need to either explode or shut down, both of which kitten has done, Did this change things ? Make them better ? nope not at all and then the feelings of sadness and despair take over,

kitten is a person who values things said, things mentioned, words can hurt as well as build her up, its strange life gives us so much but in return it takes more from us, its how we deal with it that counts, and sometimes kitten does not deal with it very well at all, but unless she tells Master then He will not know, but she cannot tell Him as He is busy, so kitten keeps it inside, she lets it have a part of her, it can not hurt her if she does not acknowledge it can it ? if she ignores it and pretends then things will be fine, won't they ?

kitten is kitten ,, all singing and all dancing and kitten will be fine .. she hopes

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