Tuesday 1 September 2009

Putting Others On A Pedastal

I was reading something the other day that got me thinking, not always a good idea but this time I think it was. I was reading how one slave thought her Master was perfect,you could tell by what she was writing and how she was saying things that she had no real grasp on life, she had put her Master on a pedastal and was worshipping Him. This does not sound wrong i know but realistically no Master is a god, no Master is an idol, they are human and like the rest of us they are prone to mistakes and errors in judgement but when we elevate them to saint like statue then when they make that mistake it is so much worse as they have proven they are not al we had built them up to be.

I have read many posts where a slave will say her Master is wonderful and He is kind and considerate and does not ask her to do things she does not like, how He is supportive and there for her always and how He is her reason for being in this lifestyle, and to be honest that is so wrong, it is totally giving off the wrong impression on what this life is, what about the times He is not there, when He is working or out with His friends, what about the times when He moody and cross as something has not gone right during His day, what about the times when He has had enough of your whining about such and such and tells you to sort it out yourself, and yes those times do happen as this is LIFE and not a fairy tale in the making.

All too many come into this way of life as they think it is a way to find never ending happiness and true love with a bit of kink added, they think it is all roses and candle light and when you read some of the things out there you can tell who those people are, but they are in for a rude awakening, its not all like that.

The trouble with putting a person on a pedastal is they rarely live up to your expectations, they cannot as what you dream and imagine is so much more than a human is capable of so when they fail to live up to your imagination then you are going to be very disappointed, love your Master, serve your Master and honor your Master but do not elevate him to godlike staus as that is not fair to either of you.

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