Sunday 8 March 2009

Seeing Things Differently

This post is going to be a bit weird, kitten knows what she wants to say and as usual the right way of saying it evades her, so maybe she should not write anything, but as she was told a few days ago, this place is for her.

When kitten gets up in the morning the first thing she does is look for certain posts and blogs, to read the new entries and submissions, and when she did that this morning she saw a name that made her groan, and really there is no reason for that except the name belongs to a person who not even knowing kitten had sent her an email saying she did not like her because of her name !!

Kitten mentioned this and was told that she was reading too much into things, well if someone tells you they don’t like you and you have no idea who the heck they are, you do tend to be defensive. When kitten went and read some of the things she had posted on another site, all kitten could think of was she is playing games, and that is kittens opinion, now she also knows this is not the opinion of another, and that’s fine, but you see, kitten tends to be protective, you mess with her sister and kitten will fight to the end for her * and yes kitten knows she fights with her, but that’s allowed, that’s what families do, so its a case of kitten can but no one else can* The same is true for her Master, you mess with Him and kitten goes into protective mode, and yes she knows its not her job to protect Him, but there are so many out there who play games she gets sick of people trying to hurt others to get their kicks.

Kitten knows everyone who is interested in this life needs to start somewhere and she will do all she can to answer questions and give a true insight into this life, but all too often those who think they want this life just want the sex side of it,they want a bit of kink in their lives and as she has said before, you stop the sex talk and the playing online with most of them and they pull a disappearing act faster than a speeding bullet and the cybersex is fine if that is all both parties are looking for, but real Doms and Master are those who LIVE the WHOLE life and that is where a sub and slave can see the difference, and that name this morning was the reason for this, all kitten can see is someone playing a game, and yeap she knows she will get in trouble for this post but at the end of the day kitten is quite smart, she sees things that she is sure others do not, hell having lived this way for so long now, its getting easier and easier to read the signs, and as it is not her heart and feelings being involved she can look at things in a different way,

To all the game players out there, please remember that this is a persons life you are messing with and if it is a poly Dom or Master you are playing then usually it is other subs and slaves lives as well.

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