Sunday 22 March 2009

Fed Up

Kitten is in a rebellious mood, she really wants to throw her toys out of her pram and stamp her feet !

Kitten is getting kinda fed up with certain things but having broached the subject with Master already and nothing been done then she knows it is not going to be and that is something she has to live with, doesn’t mean she has to like it but as it is Masters wish things are as they are then kitten has to accept it and not let it get to her, but damn it, it does !

Kitten needs to think things through she thinks, she knows that what appears is not always what is, and she also knows that she is no different to anyone else, no more and no less than others but at times kitten gets the square peg feeling and she cannot shake it, its no good trying to tell Master as kitten herself cannot explain it, not in words that make sense anyway, well sense to others apart from kitten that is.

Guess this is a pity kitten post, but that is not what she wants, she wants answers to questions asked and reasons, both things she has no right to but which might explain things so she can understand them, and with reasons then kitten will understand as at the moment it seems as if she is on the outside and looking in and that no doubt makes some happy but not kitten

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