How often have you been introduced to someone or heard something about them and formed an opinion of the,, a preconceived idea of them ? When you have preconceived ideas it stops you actually seeing the person for who and what they are. They might act a certain way with others but do we ever really know the full reasons why ? Was it something someone done to them ? They done to the other person? Does it affect how they are with us ?
Sometimes we get into a habit of only viewing a person a certain way and that limits us in our behaviour towards them, we are unable to see past our impressions regardless if they are true or false. We hear how someone else things or views a person and we take that as how they are.
Take a look at the person and not the gossip and rumors that surround them, after all opinions are one persons perspective on a certain thing, doesn't mean to say its the right perspective ...............
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