Tuesday 5 January 2010

Feeling 'Safe'

I here many people say that their collar gives them a sense of security and it helps to bring them closer to their Master or Dom and while my Master does not believe in a collar i also have something that i 'need' * for want of a better word * to give me the feeling of security and well being, especially if He is away or i am feeling lost or uncertain.

I have a set of handcuffs that i wear while i am in the house, as soon as i enter i am required to put them on and they stay on until i leave the house again, only to be worn again when i return. The cuffs are my 'safety net' they help me to focus and get things into perspective. I have recently started work again and in my job i am responsible for myself, my performance and my abilities cannot be dictated to me by my Master and i will admit i have been struggling to remove that 'independent streak' that i have had to have while working and so i have been finding it more and more difficult to get myself back into the space i need when i come home, yet as soon as the cuffs go on i feel the connection and the bond to Master, they help me to refocus my mind and know that i am only working because Master allows it, that i am a part of His life even if He is out with others, that no matter what the circumstances are in my life i am still His slave.

All too often things happen and i have no control over them, yet while i have my cuffs around my wrists i get the sense of well being, that things will be ok and this is just a bump in the road, maybe i am giving the cuffs too much power and the real growing and learning is coming from me, i don't know, all i know is that the cuffs are my security blanket at the moment and they are powerful in that they hold so much meaning for me.


Anonymous said...

Oh kitten!!!!!

How can i thank you for your blog postings!?! i just found them and have so many of the same feelings, thanks for sharing! i'll be back to read more! :)

kittenone said...

You are welcome, all too often people think that this life is easy, and while it can be a winderful way to live it also has its ups and downs as well. When i write, i write from my own experience, my own struggles and issues and hopefully they will help others realise they are not alone in how they think or feel at times. Does this make me less than a slave ? no it makes me human and that is something that needs to be remembered, we are people with feelings and desires/needs/wants as well